Yamaha oboes achieve a clear sound quality and superb intonation by dramatically improving the precision and stability of the bore. Also to cope with various durability issues inherent in wooden wind instruments, Duet+ models employ innovative techniques to form a protective layer next to the air column. The combination of precious wood and state-of -the-art resin is not simply a “Duet” of tradition and technology – it’s a “Plus” advantage indeed!
System: Simplified Conservatoire (semi-automatic octave system)
Key systems: Identical to models without the ‘M’ suffix
Mechanical features: Left-hand F key, Fork F resonance key, Low Bb key
Trill keys: C#-D#, F#-G#, Ab-Bb, A#-B, B-C#, left C-D, right C-D
Pads: 8 cork, 15 felt pads
Body material: Grenadilla Insert injected ABS resin (upper joint)
Key materials: Silver-plated nickel silver keys
Toneholes: ABS resin (except metal octave vents, upper joint only)
*All step-up instruments are covered by Star City Music’s 90 day repair coverage. We will repair your instrument excluding catastrophic damage to ensure it is playable and functioning for proper use.